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Hi, I am Mirjam

Mirjam Kirchner

Data Scientist at One Data GmbH

To me, Data Science is the way to support businesses that face complex problems in reaching their goals. In my role, I enjoy most to connect with people, understand their needs, and find a solution. The ever changing field of Data Science is also my source of constant learning and growth.




One Data GmbH

Jan 2022 - Present


One Data specializes in unlocking business value from data, either by building customized solutions or by providing standardized data products. At One Data, Data Scientists develop solutions on their home-grown technology platform.

Data Scientist

Jan 2022 - Present

  • Design of a Python framework to generate test data for solutions built on the home-grown technology platform, e.g., to enable integration tests or facilitate presentations of data products to customers
  • Translation of user research data into an information flow design for the workforce planning activities of a large enterprise that enabled the UX/UI team to create a click dummy with high user acceptance


adesso insurance solutions GmbH develops standard software solutions for all insurance branches in the private and commercial sector.


Dec 2020 - Dec 2021

  • Consultation of upper management on a cross-functional data strategy, e.g., by giving a free speech at an executive leadership meeting
  • Designing and giving customer training sessions regarding adesso insurance solutions’s software products with a focus on data models and historicization
  • Research, documentation and communication of legal regulations regarding the processing of personal data to build data-driven models for the German private insurance sector


Ph. D. Student in Statistics and Operational Research (To gain more practical experience, I decided to leave my Ph. D. early.)
M. Res. in Statistics and Operational Research
British postgraduate grading system: 72.83 (pass with distinction) out of 100.00 (= highest)
M. Sc. in Management, Business and Economics
5-point grading scale: 1.3 (pass with distinction) out of 5.0 (= lowest)
M. Sc. in Electrical Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Engineering
5-point grading scale: 1.5 out of 5.0 (= lowest)
B. Sc. in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
5-point grading scale: 2.13 out of 5.0 (= lowest)


Speaker at "Data Science Ruhr Kongress" (09/2022)

Hackathon Organizer (03/2023)

Seal-Dashboard Builder (2022)


IBM AI Enterprise Workflow Specialization
coursera April 2021 - May 2021

IBM AI Enterprise Workflow is a comprehensive, end-to-end process that enables Data Scientists to build AI solutions, starting with business priorities and working through to taking AI into production. The learning aims to elevate the skills of practicing Data Scientists by explicitly connecting business priorities to technical implementations, connecting machine learning to specialized AI use cases such as visual recognition and NLP, and connecting Python to IBM Cloud technologies.

Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering - Foundation Level

The Foundation Level addresses the advanced beginner in Requirements Engineering and provides the core knowledge of this topic. The Foundation Level encompasses the elicitation of requirements with appropriate documentation, requirements verification and validation as well as their management throughout the end-to-end product life cycle.